Going for the Prayer Camp at The Wall was truly an amazing experience. I learned lots of things form this camp. Firstly, I learned how we can hear God's voice when He speaks to us. It was really hard because I learned that it is not easy to hear God's voice if you don't really focus in God even when He speaks to us. So, I know that if we want to hear God's voice we have to press on and urge until we can do it. Another thing I learned is that the fact children are really powerful. This is because God had a plan for every child even before they are born. For example, Jeremiah was acknowledged by God that before God form Jeremiah in his mother's womb God already knew him. This can be found in Jeremiah 1 verse 5. Another fact is that there is no age limit to be used by God. Besides, God said that children are precious and are like arrows. One of the most interesting things I also learned in this camp is that we children can stand in the gap for the nations building the wall for them. To stand in the gap, we have to be an arrow. Every part of the arrow represents something. The head represents our prayer. Without the head, an arrow does nothing because we need the head to attack our enemy. This is the same as we need prayer so that we can always go against Satan. The shaft represents our life. The shaft is also very important as without the shaft there is nothing we can do with the head and feathers. Our life is very precious. We need it and we have to treasure it because it is a gift from God. We need it because we have to preach and pray for the nations. The feather represents our direction. People need feather to aim at their enemy. So, we need directions too but we ask the directions from God. I also learned that we had to prepare the way for God. We are the chosen generation. So, we had to prepare the way for God. We must decrease and He increase. We have to purify our heart, have unity, recognize that it is God's house and glory is there, we have to get out of the way. This is how we prepare the way for God. Lastly, I learned about spiritual warfare. We had the authority to use the Holy Spirit that God had given to us. Authority means receive and warfare means do. About the Children at Risk Day (CAR), it was truly awesome. God had really touched my heart that day. The sympathy for the children was in my heart. I was really fortunate that I have parents and things that other children don't have. I and my friends Jan and Kendrick were in charge of doing the posters for South America. We were doing posters of children taking drugs and gangster children. I learned that children why take drugs and why children are so gangster now a days is because they feel very lonely because they had parents that does not care for them. I am really sad for them and I hope one day I can help children like them. This is what I learned in the camp and I really enjoyed myself there. I want to express my thank you here to everyone in the camp. Aunty Aly, Aunty Lei Wah, Eunice, Ian, Jan, Shaun, Lester and the other campers. Thank you very much. I really enjoyed myself in this camp. It was marvelous and magnificent. I hope that I can go to this camp once more and that I will learn more things.


I wrote that on 26.6.05. Almost six years ago. I was cleaning my bookshelf when I found this and read it. Six years, that was when I was twelve. The Wall Joint Camp - this camp, particularly made a huge impact in my life. I was so happy and blessed and honoured also, because I get to be a part of something big. We had gatherings, follow-ups, and even prayer online and even a website(link)! My, I guess I was really in fire for God. But somehow..it just went missing without me realizing. Now, looking and thinking back, I've really experienced God in the camp, which was very very real, even to a point I actually feel/saw angels. I really could testify of His presence and it was no wonder we were really on fire because we all did get touched from Him.

Over the years as a teen, I struggled so much with my emotions and feelings. I feel very timid at many times when I was a kid, because I was different. Different as in because I am tomboy-ish and frequently received (and accepted) insults from peers and the others because I mix (alot) with boys and I don't wear dress/skirts. Lol. Stereotypes existed since the existence of humanity perhaps? Lol. But I guess (I didn't realized) what makes me bolder today is because of the encouragement that I receive from youths at that time, particularly Eunice who encouraged me a lot. And the encouragements I received had brought me to be a bolder person, not just in the area of serving Him but also in the practical ways of life. I really find joy in being part of YPF, serving in YPF and just building relationships with everyone in YPF. YPF is a small group but over the years, I do see the fruits (and more soon!). And even as this year is going to be a new chapter in my life, I believe something exciting is awaiting for me in this journey.